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Father and Son Fishing
"Transformation doesn't happen because you check all the boxes. Transformation happens because you experience someone safe when life is good and when life is not good."

Janet Newberry

Lean into deep growth.

John 15 Academy is committed to equipping families to make the shift from childhood by default to childhood by design. We believe that transformational relationships, supportive environments, and living from our God-given, unique identity in a connected community are the keys to raising children who flourish, knowing they are loved, valuable, and created for a purpose. All of our resources are committed to building a world where families thrive in the peace of Christ, even in the midst of a chaotic culture.


Receive in-home or virtual consulting tailored to meet your family's unique needs, providing support, insights, and strategies to transform family relationships.


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Most people don't realize it's possible to live a life without fear, a life where love removes anxiety and anger and shame from every conversation, every challenge, every decision.


LOVE IS FEARLESS is on a mission to help create cultures of love instead of fear--in homes, schools, workplaces, communities, and churches. We believe that truth is essential, trust is crucial, and love is our great hope to build a world without fear.


Join us for our podcast, where we’ll offer practical advice that will empower you to bravely choose love every day. Together, we can change the world--YOUR world.

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Featured on THE LEAD PASTOR -

Seven Books To Help Sunday School Teachers Lead

(Without Shame-Based Tactics)

Sunday school teachers are some of the most devoted and generous people on the planet. They donate their time and energy to help young ones get to know their heavenly Father who loves them. According to Romans 12:2, every individual will change in either one of two ways in their life:

  1. We will either conform to the patterns of this world or...

  2. We will be transformed by the renewing of our minds

So, how can we best equip our children's ministry leaders?

The answer? It depends on HOW we motivate our children to change.​

Click this link to read more!


More info Coming soon!


More info Coming soon!

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